- Mihai Negustor, born in Bicazu Ardelean, Neamt County, is a senior scientific researcher, joining the Institute’s multidisciplinary team in February 2016.
- As a sociologist, jurist and anthropologist, Mihai is also a graduate of the Faculty of Sociology from “Babeş-Bolyai” University (2014), of the Law Faculty of Cluj-Napoca, at the “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, , Bucharest (2017), and the Department of Historical Anthropology, Faculty of History, Babeş-Bolyai University (2016).
- Since 2016 he has continued his academic career through doctoral studies at the Doctoral School, “History. Civilization. Culture” of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University, addressing a research theme that, for many of us, would be a cause of curiosity, even at its audience: Crime in Interwar Transylvania. If evil is a fascination for man in general, the forbidden fruit is of interest, Mihai, even during his sociology faculty he was passionate about the dark side of society and implicitly of the human being. The fundamental question that prompted his interest in such a study was a deeply existential one: “Why do people kill?” it generates the necessary momentum to address deviant human behavior.
- This is also the main reason why he chose these specializations, because in his vision, rallied to the conception of some great specialists, sociology, law and anthropology help to form a complex optician on the concrete social reality in which we live. Without realizing, all the actions we undertake every day are actions that are inevitably subject to study and fall within these segments of reality and allow both researchers and practitioners to have a very good knowledge of the person and the manifestations in society.
- Mihai’s long-term goal is to have a place among the new generations of magistrates-judges in Romania, or even at international forums, after completing doctoral studies and deepening the knowledge on human condition. From that position, Mihai aspires that, impregnated with a fragment of divine power, based on the accumulated expertise, the character and principles of managing the hierarchy of superior values in the human fortress, to contribute to the prosperity of good, justice and equity in society.