Have mercy on the others: live beautifully, learn a lot, create well – this is what you have to tell to every young person. Other people need your fulfillment as much as you do!
(Constantin Noica)
Delphy Institute guides its activity mainly according to these 12 fundamental principles:
- The principle of sustainable development of individual and community life: life is a gift that has to be preserved, developed and transmitted to future generations by the present generations in conditions of maximum responsibilities.
- The principle of common global consciousness: our future shall be common or it shall not exist at all.
- The principle of global responsibility: a single man can destroy the world, but the joined efforts of each and every man are needed to re-create it.
- The principle of investing in human development: the man is a bridge between the Earth and the Sky, a passage between what it is and what it should be; his becoming is marked by this passage; his personal development and his fulfilment in life and in the world for every human being are the means of this journey.
- The principle of unity in diversity: every human being is part of a Whole named Humanity that only through the totality of its members can be completely refound.
- The principle of synergistic action: The society is a big scene where the roles have to harmonize; our mission, of the humanity, is to find and to develop the right actors for each role in order to keep this harmony.
- The principle of global symbiosis: the society and human ecosystem are parts and functions of the Global Ecosystem, whose laws should be recognised and respected for a harmonious coexistence in symbiosis with the other species.
- The principle of globalization: the historic course of the planet is to globalize all the processes and organizational structures, from the mass ones (economical, social, political etc.) to the most individual ones (lifestyle, personal needs of development, way of being and individual consciousness)
- The principle of syncretism of values: the future of the planet cannot be sustainable unless through the unity and universality of new cultures and civilizations, based on the syncretism of superior values that belong to the cultures of the past and present.
- The principle of transdisciplinary vision : the subjects as instruments of knowledge and development are conceptually, functionally and historically outdated; the progress of life imposes the transgression of the sectoral barriers in order to allow the superior vision of life and human nature to take shape at global level and to lead to the combined understanding of cultural and civilizational fenomena.
- The principle of sacraedness : the future of the humanity can all be spiritual; the mission of the present and future civilizations is to re-discover the sacred value of the existence in any form it may appear at cosmic and metaphysical level ; natural and ecological, social and anthropic.
- The principle of holism (wholesness): different areas of knowledge and feelings we experience as human beings should be unified to restore the image of the Whole we are all part of. Science, religion, philosophy, arts, way of being and acting – all these surpass now the dualism of contrasts and dividing vision of life and they lead to a level of superior reality where the unity of the individual spirit shall allow the perception of universalities both in the depth of our inner self, in the nature and surrounding universe as well as in the transcendent dimensions of cosmic metaphysics.