
Delphy Institute Team Welcomes You!

We would like to thank you for your visit and to invite you to come with our team, partners, sponsors, volunteers and other good people that support our projects and programmes aimed at contributing to the progress of human, society and civilization in perfect harmony with the natural laws of the global ecosystem, the superior principles of spirituality and to the needs of thriving for each and every species living together with the humans on Planet Earth.

 Nowadays, we are actively involved in supporting:

1. Romanian Values Platform – aimed at supporting the valuable youth from the educational environment to develop professionally at higher rates, to validate and accredit the personal expertise and the work of arts resulting from the partnership between the academic and applicative economic environments and  then to help them finding of the right, deserved place in the Romanian society where they can be active both to the benefit of their own satisfaction and to the progress of our community, http://www.valori.mcb-institute.org/despre-platforma/

2. Academy of Elites, Models and Values – an organization that is a leading light specialy four youth, bat olso for entire Romanian society, to create a new renascence of moral, spiritual and communitary values through the power of example and wisdom offered by valuabels individuales and institutions/ organizations, examples taken from their life, family, destiny, knowledge/ expertise and experience, as well as from their superior accomplishments over time, in their existence. https://elite.mcb-institute.org/

3. Preparation of Aryana Center – center of consultancy and services for a high-quality of life dedicated to 1.women (empowerment and leadership), 2.youth(aged 14-25, who are at the beginning of their life, career, family etc) and 3. people with superior consciousness(who want to do good to the others – people, society, nature – through actions of social entrepreneurship, projects or setting-up non governmental organizations, NGO), http://aryana.mcb-institute.org/

4. Projects of the Academic Team of our Institute please visit our team to better know us and our work here.

5. The works of Multicultural Business Institute, resulted from educational, cultural, scientific programmes of its young researchers. https:/mcb-institute.org/

6. The activity of “Ernest Lupan” Institute for Research in Economy and Environment, founded by our coleague Dr. Simina Lakatoș în partnership with Technical University form Cluj-Napoca: https://www.ircem.ro/

7. The activity of “Grow Up for Life – Center of Development through experiential learning” . The Center is a product of a doctoral program in progress at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (“Babeş-Bolyai” University), conducted by our colleague Oana Hopârtean-Negoiţă, coordinated by Prof.Univ.Dr. Vasile Chiş. https://www.facebook.com/growup4life/; www.growup4life.ro

Please join us to bring progress and wellbeing in the lives of people, communities and ecosystems of our planet Earth !