
Specific activities

Hopes and dreams give colour to the world; hard work and achievements give it strength; but only our soul put at their basis can make the world a temple of life and from the biological point of view of social coexistence a feast of the joy of existence.


The activity of Delphy Insititute has, by definition, first of all and above all, an utilitarian nature, serving the needs of the man and promoting – through active participation – the progress of science, society and the individual, the culture and civilization as a whole and more than this, the accent and transposition into the social reality of the universal rules that govern the natural processes of life in order for the human community to know and be able to and thus to have both the knowledge and the methods but most of all to be aware of the need for the alignment of individual and collective conducts with the general order that governs the Spirit world and Nature.

These are the main types of activities we often did:

  1. research, develop and innovate concepts, paradigms, visions, knowdlege and sistems
  2. create and implement educational programs for human being emancipation, personal development/ evolution and also for profesional qualifications (that are alternative to official public educational sistem) in a lifelong learning free stile, from kindergarten to old age.
  3. create/ innovate/ develop services and products with immediate utility and aplications in human/ individual, organizational, familial and societal life
  4. provide professional service, asistance, support and programs special designed for personal, organizational and social needs for development and high-quality life standards
  5. design and develop organizations and networks, engineered to contribute to social progress and evolutive specific needs in various fields of reality
  6. provide oportunities and positions for students internships and create specific professional development programs mainly for young people
  7. create programs for dissemination of scientific progress in society, such as: media programs, simposya, conferences and various other public manifestations.
  8. make analyzes, diagnosis, plannings and designs, for personal/ individual, familial, organizational and social necessities.
  9. design and develop social-platforms and networks to produce necessary resources for scientific and communitary programs of Institute and other needs of its members
  10. create special networks, organizations, platforms or programs designed for optimum dissemination of scientific discoveries and implementation of newly products and services resulted from Institute’s activity, into society and in privat life of individuals and families.

Main proffesional directions of activity

A leader discovers the hidden cliffs between where things are and where they should be and builds a temporary bridge in order to make the crossing possible. On the other hand, he or she guides those who dear to walk on his or her unsafe routes until the engineers will be able to build a strong bridge for all.

(Mel Ziglar)

The institute edifies its existential basis on the performance of the following activities:

  • Fundamental scientific research oriented towards the attainment of new knowledge in order to formulate hypothesis, concepts and theories
  • Applicative scientific research emphasizing practical objects, practically materialized in the investigations with an original nature issued in order to acquire new knowledge needed for the development of new products and services and to significantly improve the products, processes or existing services.
  • Technological development that targets the engineering of systems, the engineering and technological design, the technological transfer and the valorization of inventions together with the transfer and the applicability of the results of the research in the economy and civil society in the form of new products, processes or services.
  • Human condition and human condition management that includes the  set of strategies, processes and methods of accomplishment of self-fulfillment by the human being according to its own destiny, its role in life and with its intimate and profound nature. Moreover, methods and design strategies of individual existence are set up so that each person can obtain- even in the difficult conditions of the present society- the best resources (material, financial, affective, cognitive, cultural, spiritual) needed for self-fulfillment in life and in the world.
  • Human development following the drastic transformation of every human being through a process of transfiguration,  in the position to make from a simple individual – a cell of the society, a superior expression of his global and cosmic dignity, the governing principle being to: “Return the man to the MAN”
  • Community architecture (social engeneering) frames the research activities of the means and mechanism of achieving progress, at the level of inorganic world, the living world, the society and the man regarded as a generation of something from something else, as an evolution and in the world of living creatures as a phenomenon of self-creation and self-modeling in the human community, as an act and process of creativity, discovery and deeply changing innovation at individual and group level, causing both the laws and principles of ascending change at different levels of existence, from self existence to conscious self existence and connected to the rest of the universe.
  • Management, promotion and valorization of human creation the creativity is considered to represent the specific capacity of the human spirit to re-organize the elements of the world through the transcendence of the information and modeling of ideas in a compositional assembly of integration of the skills-effective and skills-oriented segments in a compositional product with a new configuration of sense together with the valorization of the intuitive-imaginative skills, to perceive the medium in a plastic and original manner, in a way capable of gathering and focusing all the levels of biological and logical conduct (instincts, skills, intelligence), all the psyhical traits of the individual (thinking, memory, will, affectivity etc.) as well as the superior states of mind in order to accomplish and communicate a work of art useful to a social group or to the community as a whole, at a given moment.
  • Professional development accomplished both through the design and implementation of lectures, training courses, workshops and other means of professional improvement, organizations and specialized centers as well as through mentorship which provides the ideal development of professional personality.
  • Human and Community Evolution The development of human being, family and different types of social groups, the community as a whole, as well as the promotion of consciousness, responsibility and attitude of symbiotic unity of the human existence with the processes of development of life on our planet.

Fields of activity

 Every creation uses from our today’s soul but it also adds to the tomorrow’s soul. Thus, from all the Earth’s fruit, the creative man is the only one who strengthens through exhaustion.


A) studies and research

Programmes of studies and research in the fields: sociology, history, culture and civilizations, mentalities, anthropology, management, economy, globalization, sustainable development, ecology, judicial studies, psychology, pedagogy, architecture and design, entrepreneurship, tourism, philosophy, therapy ( as well as adjunctive therapy), complementary analysis (astrology, graphology, numerology); alternative medicine; feng shui; religion (both theology and mysticims); methods, techniques, ancient studies of human evolution; UFO studies; parapsychology; occultism; new-age; secret societies; Oriental studies; politics (doctrine, history, practices); leadership; communication and public relations; personalities and biographies; counselling (theory and practice); science and technique; methods (education, science; research; management; projects); ethnography (folklore and traditions: theory and practice); marketing; public administration; systems of  government (studies and practices of governing); explorations and discoveries (geographical, scientific); science of personal development; management of success; ethics; professional behavior and etiquette; organizational planning; science of the future.

B) Programmes and practical activities:

Practical programmes of: university education; counselling (spiritual, educationl, judicial, social, family and couple; psychological; scientific);  management (management of organizations and programmes); audit (scientific, cultural, educational; management of projects; organizational); training; engineering of human development; communitarian architecture; conceptualization of university subject; conceptualization of new professions; business consultancy; strategic management (counseling and planning); activities of entrepreneurship and trade; methods; professional development; social assistance; NGO; cultural programmes; scientific research; folklore; literary creation; marketing; management of human resources; politics; youth (students); planning and implementation of organizations (educational, cultural, scientific, political, commercial, agricultural, touristic, psychological, other fields); patronage.