
Fruitful trees can be recognized by the richness of their flowers and the taste of their fruits, and the people can be recognised by the height of their aspirations and the depth of their accomplishments.


 Through our own professional staff and the staff of our partners or those connected to different programmes implemented throughout time, with the support of our sponsors, supporters and many thoughtful people, Delphy Institute managed to contribute to the progress of man and of the whole world, having the following achievements:

  • it implemented or supported the development of 250 academic programmes (public or private) of research-development-innovation and creation, the results being distributed to the society and some of them being recorded in more than 150 books published by the staff of the institute. These volumes include: university handbooks; practical and professional handbooks; scientific discoveries and innovations in different areas of activity; literature (creative writing); different other problems of scientific interest and applicative in different areas of professional activity;
  • it approached more that 50 areas of professional, educational academic (university) and research-development-innovation activities;
  • it got involved actively in the discovery and development of professional youth in different areas of activity needed to the social and human progress. Thus, until the present day, the Institute supported the professional training (through educational programmes, consultancy services, career guidance, practice in the field, employment) for an average number of 270 professionals per year (managers and entrepreneurs, teachers, researchers, economists, psychologists, social workers, educational counselors, designers, lawyers, etc) and for more than 7000 in its whole activity up to the present;
  • it designed and implemented, or offered redesign and development expertise to more than 140 professional organizations from different areas of activity (university economic; cultural; scientific; educational; socio-community; ecological; agriculture; therapeutic; political; entrepreneurship, youth, etc);
  • it created more than 1600 positions for work, training and professional development and it involved in the implemented programmes more than 6000 people from different areas of activity and social status (pupils, students,; doctoral students; researchers; business men; professionals in different areas);
  • it cooperated (directly or through the organizations created) with more than 170 institutions and organizations of different kind: diplomatic, university; cultural; scientific; educational; community; socio-humanitarian; ecological; economic and entrepreneurial; medical and therapeutic; administrative;
  • it contributed to develope an academic career –  by accrediting the activity, training placement, (theoretical and practical), employment in scientific and educational programmes, as well as the recognition /accreditation of professional seniority – of a number of  more than 230 young students or graduates from university and post-university studies,  doctoral students who later became managers, entrepreneurs, engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists, professionals of al kind, and continued to generate progress in the lives of people and organizations where they got involved by heart and superior human consciousness.
  • it offered, on average, 1300 hours of counseling per year for different needs of youth  aged between 18 and 30 (private life, career, social studies, family and couple, in the economic and  financial fields, entrepreneurship etc).