A real friend is someone who ignores your mistakes and appreciates your kindness.
(Sandy Jane)
In the last 10 years, more than 130 universities and faculties, different types of organizations, public institutions and commercial entreprises supported us or the programmes of the organizations set up by Delphy Institute. Among the partners that constantly and faithfully supported the activities implemented under the patronage of the organizations or staff supported by the Institute, we definitely must mention:
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca;
- Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca;
- University of Agricultural Studies and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca;
- NTT Data România
- Consulate of the Netherlands in Cluj-Napoca;
- Consulate of Slovenia;
- Consulate of the United Kingdom;
- Italian Chamber of Commerce;
- British Chamber of Commerce;
- Consulate of Turkey;
- Consulate of Begium;
- Cluj-Napoca Local Council;
- Cluj County Council;
- Cluj-Napoca City Hall;
- Russian Cultural Institute;
- French Cultural Institute;
- German Cultural Institute;
- Business Women Association from Cluj-Napoca;
- Cultural-Scientific Foundation Mercur;
- Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies “Cristian” (Romanian branch);
- International Institute of Humanitarian Studies de ( USA branch);
- TVR Internațional
- TeleMoldova Plus
- TL+ Maramureș
- Cluj-Napoca Cultural House;
- Popular University, Cluj-Napoca;
- “Gh. Dima” Music Academy, Cluj-Napoca;
- Center for Culture-Science-Education, “Amphytrion”, Romania;
- Organization of Students of the Technical University;
- The Organization of Pharmacy Students;
- Association of Students of the Business Faculty;
- County Librabry “Octavian Goga”;
- Children’s Palace Cluj;
- National Theatre Cluj-Napoca;
- “Lucian Blaga”Central University Librabry of Cluj Napoca;
- Union of writers from Romania (Cluj branch);
- Association of Plastic Artists;
- Artemis Center, Cluj-Napoca;
- Argonaut Publishing House;
- Mega Publishing House;
- Nevali Publishing House;
- Regional Center of Adults’ Education, Cluj;
- “Lumina Armoniei” Cultural-Humanitarian Association;
- “Pheonix” Cultural Association;
- “Hyperion” Romanian Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies, Cluj-Napoca;
- Green-Way Organization for Environment and Sustainable Development, Cluj-Napoca;
- Organization of University Builders and Plumbers;
- “Helyos” Organization for Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainable Development;
- Agency for Initiation and Development of Business, Cluj;
- Atlantic-Art Cluj-Napoca;
- Colorama Publishing House;
- Roxer Group;
- Tax Expert SCM;
- SC Hermes IT;
- Ecou Transilvan Publishing House;
- Napoca Star Publishing House ;
- Limes Publishing House ;
- Transilvania Creative Industries Cluster;
- Polish Language and Culture Center;
- Cultural and Arts Center of Sălaj County;
- Asociation of Plastic Artists Cluj.
We thank everyone for their support, so that together we could contribute to bring a positive change in the world!