- Human Development Specialist & Researcher, Institute for Human and Community Development, Cluj-Napoca
- Adviser, Suceava City Hall
- Project Manager, Multicultural Business Institute
- Former Marketing Vice-President of “European Law Students Association”, Suceava
- Former Local Coordinator at „Ajungem Mari – Growing Up” Educational Program within the Lindenfield Association, Suceava
- Law Graduate, currently undergoing master’s courses at the College of Law and Administrative Sciences from “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
- 6 years of activity withing private organizations and public institutions in areas such as: law, , education, community activism, public administration, social inclusion, marketing, organizational development, human resources, public relations and communication.
- Attended many seminars, events, exchanges, work and personal development sessions in the area of justice personnel training, human rights, fight against discrimination, refugee crisis, fight against violence, medical law.
- First and second place winner of the university contests on legal essays, between 2015-2018, organized by ELSA in partnership with the College of Law and Administrative Sciences from “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
- Rewarded twice with the Special Diploma for the involvement in the organizational development and human resources training activities within ELSA Suceava
- Rewarded with a Diploma for the active citizien attitude and activity within the National School for Democracy – Pro Democracy Association and DJST Covasna.
- Author of seven research-development-innovation and creation programs, whose results were published within books or articles presented at conferences, seminars and other public events
- Author of five books with academic, professional and cultural statute of which we mention:
- Forensic Aspects of Judicial Traces – CNCS + A2 accredited in Legal Series, Limes Publishing House
- Morphosis – the human transfiguration kaleidoscope – professionally accredited inHuman Development Series (Anthropology), Napoca Star Publishing House
- Allegories on Existential Rhythms – culturally accredited in Spirituality Series, Napoca Star Publishing House.