- Ph.D., Scientific Researcher II at The Institute of History “George Bariţiu” of Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch
- Dr. Victor V. Vizauer is specialised in Medieval History of Transylvania (IX-XIV centuries), having as field of interest the everyday life expressed primarily through habitat and onomastics (anthroponymy and toponymy).
- He has a doctorate in History at the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca.
- In these areas he has published 2 author books – Aşezări şi locuinţe medievale timpurii în Transilvania (sec. VI/VII-IX/X), Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2008 (Early medieval settlements and homes in Transylvania ( VI / VII-IX / X centuries), Argonaut Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2008) and Homo locum ornet… O introducere în antropotoponimia din Transilvania secolelor XII-XIV, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2012 (Homo locum Ornet … An introduction to the anthropo-toponymy in the XII-XIV centuries Transylvania, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2012) – and one book in collaboration: Şerban Turcuş, Adinel Dincă, Mihai Hasan, Victor Vizauer, Antroponimia în Transilvania medievală (secolele XI-XIV). Evaluare statistică, evoluţie, semnificaţii, Vol. I-II, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2011 (Anthroponymy in medieval Transylvania (XI-XIV centuries). Statistical evaluation, evolution, significations, Vol. I-II, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2011). The latter received the “Eudoxiu Hurmuzaki” award of the Romanian Academy in 2013.
- Regarding professional experience, Dr. Victor V. Vizauer served as curator-archaeologist (in Maramureș county, a multicultural area full of traditions), librarian and researcher.
- Working with people gave him determination that, in parallel with scientific concerns, to turn his attention to personal and community development and welfare by collaborating with the “Delphy” Institute for Human and Community Development in Cluj-Napoca and publishing 2 inspirational books – Victor, Viaţa îi dăunează grav sănătăţii! A sosit timpul schimbării: pentru o viaţă nouă, pentru o lume nouă, Editura For You, Bucureşti, 2013 (Life seriously harms health! It’s time for change: for a new life, for a new world, For You Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013) and Copacul fericirii, Editura Enmar, Bucureşti, 2015 (The tree of happiness, Enmar Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015).