Aurelian Burcu – Strategic Management & Marketing Counsellor

Scientist, Educator, Counselor, Coach, Organizational engineer, Mentor


  1. Scientific Research – 28 years
  2. Education, Coaching, Training: – 20 years     

a) Academic education: Courses, seminars, writing curriculum and teaching and auxiliary activities in academic(scientific and university) field:19 curricula in 13 different domains: management, psychology, pedagogy, business, law, ecology, communications and public relations, sustainable development, public administration, taxonomy, sociology, economic entrepreneurship, methodology of scientific research.

b) Professional curricula and adult education field:Courses, trainings, workshops and development activities: 14 curricula in 9 fields:personal development, career management, social entrepreneurship, psychology, organizational engineering, human resources, communications, personal ergonomics, marketing.

  • Conducting / consulting/ coaching academic projects, studies and dissertations:           
  1. a) development, innovation and scientific research projects: 19 years;
  2. b) bachelor, master and doctorate works and papers: 18 years;     


 Counseling / designing/ planning / mentoring / coaching in the following areas:

  1. Economic and Social Entrepreneurship;
  2. Education (designing and mentoring curriculum and academic programs, systematic and taxonomy, professional development, adult education, staff training in several professional fields – science, teaching, entrepreneurship, marketing, public relations, NGO management, law etc. – conducting/ auditing/ counseling of dissertations, doctoral research projects and papers);
  3. Human development & Quality of Life;
  4. Social Engineering and Community Development;
  5. Communication and Public Relations; Branding;
  6. Legal (business, government/ constitutional, public administration, environmental, NGO, social & economic entrepreneurship)
  7. Administrative and Secretarial;
  8. Strategic and Operational Management for individuals and their projects & objectives
  9. Self-Image Marketing;
  10. Commercial and Organizational Marketing, Organizational Image and Culture;
  11. Social assistance and support;
  12. Human Resources Management and Personnel Development in Organizations;
  13. Psychology, Personal/ Self- Development, Spirituality;
  14. Career Designing and Management; Management of Personal and Professional Success.


  1. Designing, start-up and/or development of organizations:more than 140 organizations in different areas of activity such as: politics, business, educational, scientific, cultural, ecology & sustainable development, community, professional, therapy, NGO, social entrepreneurship.
  2. Strategic management counselling, planning & designing: for organizations & programs/ projects, for public institutions, business organizations, NGO & community organizations, political parties, in following fields: cultural, scientific, educational, community, economic, politics.


  1. Academic organizations/ institutions;
  2. Cultural & spiritual organizations & programs;
  3. Youth & student organizations;
  4. Community organizations & programs;
  5. Social entrepreneurship organizations & programs;
  6. Business organizations & entrepreneurship.


a) Coordinator & co-author of collective volumes

  • 16 volumes in various fields: business, law, economic & social entrepreneurship, management.

b) Coordination & Counseling editorial series

  • Ex-Counselor and coordinator of “Economic, Legal and Managerial Series”, Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca;
  • Ex-Editorial Adviser at Cultural and Scientific Foundation “Mercury”, Cluj-Napoca;
  • Editorial and Academic Adviser at Multicultural Business Institute, Cluj-Napoca.

c)Promoting and publishing youth scientists

– Several dozen people (about 130) in about 50 publications collectively or individually.

AUTHORING – 19 years

  1. a) academic books: – 24 volumes (as author or coauthor-coordinator);
  2. b) professional materials: – 11 volumes (as author or coauthor-coordinator);
  3. c) cultural creation: – 4 volumes (aphorisms, essays and poetry).

Some of them can be seen here .


Dana Coza
Alexandra Năstăsoiu

Dana-Maria Coza

Alexandra Cotae

Ioana-Alexandra Năstăsoiu

Ana Damaschin

Ana Damaschin

Ioana Șomâtcă - management

Ioana Șomâtcă

Oana Negoiță

Oana-Elena Hopîrtean-Negoiță

Marcela Domide-

Marcela Domide

Aurelian Burcu

Aurelian Burcu

Adriana Rus

Adriana Rus