- President & CEO
at Delphy Institute;
- Multicultural Ambassador for Multicultural Business Institute;
- Senior Researcher at Multicultural Business Institute;
- She was a political analyst, foreign policy department of “Pagina de Transilvania” Journal;
- Project Manager, within the „Vostok Group”, an international community organization, with national and international activity in the cultural, youth education field, promoting cooperation and good understanding with the states of Eastern Europe, the states of the former Soviet space, Turkey, Iran, China and Mongolia.
- Member, within the “Future Team” International Organization: a global platform that connects young people eager to create a positive change on a global level.
- Member of the Romanian delegation to multiple sessions of international events (conferences, debates, symposia, experience sharing, festivals, diplomatic seminars, tournaments, exhibitions etc.) where she was part of the organizing team or coordinated programs with organizations such as: the Russian Science and Culture Centre, Vostok Group, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Romania, “Future Team” International Youth Organization, International Youth Council (etc.) in various areas of Russia, Europe, North Africa, Romania.
- specialized in security management, based on a Bachelor’s degree program developed with the Department of Security Studies, of “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca;
- specialized in politics and international relations, based on a Master’s degree program developed with “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, as well as through continuous professional training, at prestigious institutions of diplomacy and public administration in the country and abroad, such as: the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest, the European Council (Brussels), the Parliament of Romania, CSAT – Supreme Council of National Defence, ORNISS – The National Registry Office for Classified Information (etc.)
- specialized in terrorism control and in counter-terrorism security measures, through academic programs conducted within “Babes-Bolyai” University and Multicultural Business Institute, as well as through professional programs developed by the County Police Inspectorate of Maramureș, Swiss WebAcademy, Security Brokers Academy;
- qualified in entrepreneurship, through a professional program realized by the BNS (BLOCUL NAȚIONAL SINDICAL – National Union Block) of Bucharest;
- proficient in 4 international languages: English, German, French, Italian;
- producer of 15 scientific research-development-innovation programs;
- author or co-author of 10 specialized books, of which 8 volumes of science (2 of which were accredited A2 + CNCS – National Council of Scientific Research in Romania) published (or under publication) and 2 professional ones, published or appearing at publishers such as: Limes, Napoca Star, Colorama, Ecou Transilvan:
- Politica de securitate a Federației Ruse. Tactici și strategii pentru combaterea terorismului – Security Policy of the Russian Federation. Tactics and Strategies for Combating Terrorism – single author volume, CNCS (National Council of Scientific Research) accredited in the Administration and Government Series;
- Terorismul fundamentalist. Rolul organizaţiilor Al-Qaeda si Frăţia Musulmană în constituirea organizaţiilor teroriste fundamentalist islamice – Fundamentalist Terrorism. The Role of Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in Constituting Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist Organizations – single author volume, accredited by the National Council of Scientific Research in the Politics and International Relations Series;
- Rusia și Vestul. O lecție istorică de geo-strategie de la Nicolae Titulescu pentru viitorul României – Russia and the West. A Historical Geo-Strategy Lesson from Nicolae Titulescu for the Future of Romania – single author volume, scientifically accredited in the Politics and International Relations Series;
- Instrumente și politici manageriale utilizate în strategiile de expansiune globală. China noului mileniu – Management Tools and Policies Used in Global Expansion Strategies. China of the New Millennium – single author volume, scientifically accredited in the Economics and Business Series;
- Guvernanță și securitate națională în contextul Uniunii Europene Governance and National Security in the Context of the European Union – single author volume, scientifically accredited in the History-Civilizations-Traditions Series;
- Metode de intelligence aplicate în securitatea personală, organizațională și socială contemporană – Intelligence Methods Applied in Contemporary Personal, Organizational and Social Security – single author volume, professionally accredited in the Politics and International Relations Series;
- Diplomație și cooperare în managementul securității sociale. Dileme vechi și noi din spațiul european – Diplomacy and Cooperation in Social Security Management. Old and New Dilemmas in the European Space – single author volume, professionally accredited in the Community Development Series;
- Perspective social-politice ale unor fenomene istorice în spațiul Europei moderne – Social-Political Perspectives of Historical Phenomena in Modern Europe – co-authored volume, scientifically accredited in the Administration and Government Series;
- Amenințări vechi și noi la adresa identității spirituale și politice a națiunii române – Old and New Threats to the Spiritual and Political Identity of the Romanian Nation – co-authored volume, scientifically accredited in the Community Development Series;
- Riscuri și oportunități în valorificarea resurselor naturale din perspectivă durabilă – Risks and Opportunities in the Exploitation of Natural Resources from a Sustainable Perspective – co-authored volume, scientifically accredited in the Ecology and Sustainable Development Series.
- Perspective pentru o lume mai bună: solidaritate și compasiune în crizele societății contemporane (Perspectives for a better world: solidarity and compassion in the crises of contemporary society) – scientifically accredited in the Politics and International Relations Series.